1·May I go pee pee?
2·If you don't happen to have any coke, the other alternative treatment is to pee on the stung part of your body - or to have someone else pee on it for you.
3·Mr. Vanderpooten says he often goes by to check on his experiment: 'The people who used to pee there don't pee in the same place anymore.'
4·The data shows clear differences between where men and women choose to pee - men are more likely to pee in public.
5·Mr. Vanderpooten says he often goes by to check on his experiment: 'The people who used to pee there don't pee in the same place anymore.
6·I read somewhere that human pee has a higher acid content than animal pee, but I don't mention that.
7·Childrens: Free the pee! Free the pee!
8·For some of the age related problems, to monitor how much they pee or how they pee became important as the vet would diagnosis base on this.